The BlueWindow Approach

Strategic Planning

Strategy, Solutions and Services

Our proven and comprehensive BlueWindow approach and closed-loop planning process brings clarity of purpose and a BluePrint for action that illuminates and stimulates improved business, marketing and organizational capabilities, performance and outcomes.

The BlueWindow process is collaborative, iterative, and holistic affording you a clear and comprehensive strategic BluePrint around which your leadership, staff, and Board can have confidence.

The BlueWindow method is a catalyst that infuses insights, direction and energy within your organization, and with your stakeholders, customers, or clients.

BlueWindow is a strategic planning prism and method that aligns your organization and marketing with customer and stakeholder needs.

BlueWindow is about sustainability: durable practices that emphasize positive outcomes for people, positive return on investment, and the positive benefits that accrue to your customers and clients, your community and our environment. It’s all good.

Every engagement is unique.  Using time-tested planning methods and tools, the approach is customized to each situation, client’s needs and budget. We work with you across the spectrum of required tasks, or can focus on your most immediate priorities, but always in a cohesive and integrated way.

We help you map and integrate the component parts ( 9 P’s) of your organization’s strategies, resources, supply chain, stakeholder groups, and technology enablers.

Your BluePrint is an integrated strategy across your operations, sales & marketing, industry and government relations, member development, information technology, finance and organization development.


The roadmap for improving business performance and organizational effectiveness is an obvious but not-so-simple task of a compelling and relevant value proposition that is anchored in concrete solutions and mirrored in performance and delivery on the brand promise. Change Strategy from resonance-to-engagement-to-affinity-to-adoption, is a continuum that emanates from within your organization and embraces those whose affinity and adaption is needed for all to grow and sustain.

BlueWindow embraces a Best Practices consultative approach and has the requisite research, strategic planning tools, technology, communications acumen, and organization and business development capabilities to fulfill your aspirations and those of your customers, supply chain partners, and stakeholders.

Your BluePrint is a performance playbook that helps you harness and channel the external forces and internal obstacles that otherwise inhibit you from reaching your goals.

BlueWindow is a cooperative business platform that encourages and organizes the collaborations necessary to effect meaningful, positive, measureable change and optimize the resources needed to get you there.

Open Window





The BlueWindow method leans on decades of successful experience across business development and marketing, constituent and employee engagement, organization development, sustainability, and strategic brand positioning. We invite collaborations with a handpicked A-Team of practice specialists that believe in our Mission and complement our in-house team.

  • Policy, market and ethnographic research and business intelligence
  • Market Intelligence, Competitive Analysis
  • Stakeholder, Customer, and Constituent Needs Analysis
  • Supply Chain Mapping, Volumetrics, and Key Performance Indicators
  • Brand Attribute Assessment
  • Industry Issues & Trends Analysis
  • Consumer demand, prevalence analysis
  • Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Briefings
  • Secondary Research & Analysis; Abstract Reports
  • Socio-Economic and Geographic Analysis
  • Target Market/Population Segment/Audience Analysis
  • Ethnographic Insights
  • Customer Profiling
  • Develop planning construct and framework
  • Understand the Value Chain and Value Proposition; Consumer Demand and Elasticity
  • Situation SWOT and GAP Analysis
  • Map and Quantify the Supply Chain
  • Most Important Audience Personas
  • Gauge Customer Satisfaction and Employee/Client Engagement and their expectations/aspirations for you
  • Understand prevailing and emerging trends, business models and constructs, where you fit and how to leverage
  • Delineate the marketplace – supply chain relationships, constellation of influencers, prevalence of practices/behavior analysis
  • Market Analysis, Segmentation, Profiling and Targeting
  • Marketing and Advertising Research – Qualitative and Quantitative
  • Consumer Insight/Experience Audits
  • Assess Technology Drivers
  • Strategic Positioning and Branding
  • Strategic Marketing Planning
  • Budgeting, Financial Modelling, Prospectus, and Volumetrics
  • Formulate ROI Metrics and Resource and Capacity Requirements
  • Facilitate leadership/executive strategic planning
  • Develop Marketing Strategy, Plan, and Budgets
  • Supply Chain integration and Sustainability Programs
  • Product/Service Portfolio Integration, Alignment and Optimization,
  • Customer/Client Acquisition Models, Supply Chain Volumetrics and Pipeline Velocity Goals; Models for Scalability and New Channel Strategies
  • Forge a credible strategic position, your “Manifesto” and Prospectus
  • Strategic and Program Measurement/Dashboards; Sustainability Compliance Standards.
  • Sales Organization, Sales Rep Profiling, Training and Deployment Plans
  • Define capabilities, services, programs, and product bundles
  • Organization Development Implications
  • Identify Organization & Leadership Development Priorities; Centers of Excellence

The 5 P’s (Product, Place, Promotion, Pricing, Profiling, Positioning, Packaging, Partnerships/Posturing)

  • Partnership, Co-Marketing and Strategic Alliance Building; Engagement of Targeted Populations and Segments
  • Business Development Programs ;Industry and Community Outreach
  • Supply Chain and Sustainability Initiatives
  • Branding and Identity Development- Your Manifesto
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Communications Concept and Creative Strategy; Messaging Strategy and Execution
  • Presentations to Boards, Customers, Employees
  • Investor Relations Communications
  • Employee Engagement and Wellness Programs
  • Account Retention Strategies and New Business Presentations ; Customer Relationship Management, Database Marketing
  • Civic and Public Relations
  • Agency Assessment, RFP Development
  • Events, Symposiums, and Promotions

With Key Collaborator

  • Web Design, Development, Usability Research
  • Traditional and digital integrated media planning, budgeting, buying
  • Email Marketing and Deployment
  • Social Media Strategy/Planning
  • Online Advertising, SEO, SEM
  • Content Curation & Development
  • Web Analytics/Custom Dashboards
  • Stewardship Reporting
  • ROI Analysis
  • Dashboards for Key Performance Indicators
  • Certification and Verification Programs
  • Data Integration with Industry/Retailer  Reporting Systems

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