A fusion of evidence-based strategies, profiling tools, digital technology & CRM to dramatically improve engagement with at-risk and low-risk populations.

Our purpose is to promote health & wellness by engaging and empowering people with their own clarity of purpose, resilience, active involvement in satisfying work and play, healthy lifestyles, and the benefits of healthcare. The BlueWindow integrated approach is comprised of synergistic cluster-based planning tools and promising evidence based strategies for early intervention leveraging innovative digital technologies and media platforms.


BlueFusion is a systematic approach and catalyst for integration and sequencing of the insights, strategies and tools that profile, engage, and empower targeted at-risk, low risk, and in-transition segments and clusters. It is a fusion of profiling tools and cluster analysis, evidence-based behavioral prevention strategies, digital interventions and customer relationship management platforms that can dramatically improve engagement with and outcomes of the targeted populations.

That continuum of actions and interactions with at-risk/low-risk individuals and families transcend the spectrum of mental, behavioral, chronic health management and the promotion of wellness.


The benefits accrue to healthcare providers, payors, communities, employers, families and the individual in both general terms and specific outcomes.

  • Bolster the reach of community prevention stakeholders
  • Compress the timeframe for early intervention and “moments of truth”
  • Drive affinity group membership and participation in protective activities
  • Shorten treatment response
  • Reduce readmission/relapse
  • Improve health outcomes and lower costs
  • Engine for workforce development and capacity building


  • Segmentation & Cluster Analysis​
  • Risk Factors​
  • Behavioral incl Media Usage​
  • Motivational​
  • Lifestage​
  • Lifestyle & Health Disparities​
  • Psychographic​
  • Psychological


  • “Where They Live”​
  • Digital​
  • Stakeholder Connections​
  • Media​
  • Grassroots


  • Wellness  
  • Early Intervention​
  • LRNG​
  • Affinities & Activities​
  • Healthy Lifestyles​
  • Workforce Development