Food Security and Sustainability

Proven experience within the industry

BlueWindow enables participants across supply chains to respond to customer needs, regulatory, and marketing requirements for traceability, transparency, verification, and certification.

The immediate benefit is realized in supplier preparedness, retailer preference, market and product differentiation, value realization, risk mitigation, and brand reputation.

Ethanol Promotion and Information Council

Catapulting the renewable fuel industry
National Corn Growers Association
St. Louis, MO

Backers of various ethanol blends – E-10, E-15, and E-85 –had competing agendas, disparate political support and ineffective business development and promotion.  A candid BlueWindow assessment helped the industry coalesce into the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council that is largely credited with securing policy support and consumer acceptance for this game-changing renewable fuel industry.

National Pork Producers Council

Des Moines, IA
Pork.  The Other White Meat®

Consumer Research Analysis, Ethnographic and Qualitative Research and strategic brand platform.

Can a red meat become a “white meat”? That was the BlueWindow perspective when the National Pork Producers Council embraced a new strategic position that aligned with consumer preference, healthy lifestyles, and industry advancements in product quality and standards.  The iconic “Pork.  The Other White Meat.” positioning was launched and sustained for nearly three decades by a producer funded check-off program, retailer co-op programs, and packer-processor co-branding…all contributing to pork’s resurgence as a center-of-plate preference.

Golden Harvest

Five companies, one gold plated brand.
Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois

The BlueWindow approach played a key role in the brand stewardship and marketing strategy for five independent, family-owned and -managed seed companies. Uniting behind a shared brand, value proposition, and marketing platform, the Golden Harvest brand achieved #1 or #2 market share positions in served markets culminating in their collective acquisition by Syngenta.

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