Welcome to the new Blue-Window.org. We hope you find it a Change For The Better.

This site is a reflection of the evolution of Blue-Window and a celebration of our clients’ embrace of Change For The Better.

Our objective at blue-window.org is twofold. We’ll showcase the successful outcomes of BlueWindow collaborations and have populated the site with lots of client profiles and stories that inspire. Blue-Window derives our energy from clients who are committed to improving their organizations and the life experiences of their customers and patrons. It is a privilege to serve them and a tribute to their adoption of BlueWindow strategies that inform and inspire a growing BlueWindow community that is spreading across America.

And we invite you to be an active contributor, if not collaborator, in the sea change underway in how organizations in the public and private sectors think about transformational strategy, what integrated marketing solutions look like, and models of engagement that are driving positive change for all their stakeholders.

The BlueWindow Approach is inherently collaborative and iterative. We want this site to be a microcosm of that approach – hearing from and sharing your perspectives on how dispirit interests and sometimes competing agendas can unite behind strategies that optimize outcomes and resources.

BlueWindow has waded into many of the business and social imperatives of our time — good governance, sustainability, health & wellness, strong communities, and Best Business Practices.

We’ll weigh in with points of view that challenge the status quo and conventional thinking (that “disruption” thing) to provoke more critical thinking and debate. Hopefully we’ll raise the level of creative tension that evokes innovative solutions and understanding of others’ perspectives.

That all requires your participation so I encourage you to Follow Us, Like Us, Link In, and, yeah, call me (816.719.4315).

If we’re respectful and thoughtful, this should be fun and we can make big change together.
