
Nourishing Our World.  Preserving Our Planet.

BlueWindow is helping align the interests of rural and urban America; and the supply chain that connects them, enhancing farm profitability, rural economic development, and a stronger relationship with consumers. Stakeholder collaboration is based on many motivations:

  • Answer consumer preference for “sustainable” product, traceability, and food safety.
  • Industry self-interest in face of regulation and the acknowledgement of the limits of regulation and punitive measures by the regulatory and environmental activists.
  • Mutual benefits in reputation and brand building
  • Economic and risk management benefits of sustainable practices and conservation measures. We recognize all participants’ shared stake in achieving sustainability and that collaborative solutions preserve or enhance profitability for all.
  • Obligations of corporate citizenship and shareholder guidance to conserve resources.
  • Shared belief that American agriculture and farmers must lead and be profitable to meet the needs of a 9 billion global population


How Blue Window Brings Us Closer to A Food Secure World

We will fundamentally shift the underlying narrative from “telling agriculture’s story” to evolving the story that can be told to earn the mutual trust of consumers, regulators, channel partners and global customers of crop and livestock producers. An important outcome is a new social contract between agriculture and the consumer; and cooperation among disparate stakeholders.

  • Bringing multi-faceted opportunities into focus: connecting the dots
  • Uniting people, resources, and information into strategy
  • Transforming vision into programs; moving policy to action
  • Applying practical solutions and scientific rigor
  • Finding Eco-librium™ between natural resources and demand for food and energy
  • Aligning the objectives of rural and urban Americans
  • Enhancing farm profitability, rural economic development, and a stronger relationship with consumers